Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Immigration here we come Part 1

When I started the blog all those months ago, I already knew that we would be immigrating from South Africa. I wanted to share with you, and all others with similar plans how we went about it, and ensure that you know why one day in case we are not around to tell you.

The most precious bundle
It has been no secret that the political situation in South Africa was deteriorating year after year. Our family experienced many things, that one should not ever even think about. This included violent attacks, car hi-jacking, robbery and break ins. Many people kept telling me it's ok and this is what happens all across the world. When speaking to some of my family members in Germany though, none of them have had to deal with this. None of them have burglar bars, security gates and set alarms in their houses after dark. The turning point for me really came when you were born, Keyan. Ones outlook on life becomes different, one becomes selfless, only concerned with the well-being of others, and when I witnessed a hi-jacking in a parking lot in broad daylight, holding you in my arms, that was it. I knew right there and then, no matter how hard it would be to leave family and all that we had worked on so hard behind, we had to make a difficult decision and ensure a better life for you. One where you can play outside and run around after dark, an education system where 40% is not the standard and norm and growing up surrounded by people that have values, that believe and that still care. 
Taking the US by storm
Where to from here? That was in November 2012, exactly 3 months after you were born. Well I like to do things quickly, sometimes uncalculated and not very detail orientated, but first thing was first. We wanted to give our families some time to get used to the idea of us moving, and as suspected, it was very difficult. We needed to figure out where to go to. We wanted to move to a English speaking country for sure. England was out of the question for us as we did not particularly want to move to Europe. (this would have been the easiest way though with my German passport) For a while, we consider New Zealand and Australia, we knew South Africans in both countries that absolutely loved it there. Then we considered America and since our best friends were also there, decided this is it. Our family convinced us to take a LSD trip (look, see, decide) and so we did mid of 2013. Although I felt this wasted much time, it was truly amazing to see what this land of dream offers. Vast scenario, many cultures and everything ones heart desires. A first world country in the true sense. 

When we got back home I started investigating how to enter the country and it was very difficult. At each open window, a shut door was to be found. America was being inundated with requests from foreigners trying to enter the country and we just did not have enough start up capital to enter with purchasing our own business. I did not give up hope though and continued chatting with so many people that I met through online resources that tried to assist and help. And with this, the light at the end of the tunnel returned and I started applying for jobs across the country. This, although we did decide to settle in Oviedo, Florida after our trip. I also decided to speak with my boss at the time just so that she is aware of our future plans and she wondered why we were not considering Canada. We had a branch there, and who knew maybe I could start at the office. I had not even considered this and this was perhaps our way out of South Africa. She contacted the General Manager at the Canadian branch, and yes, he would consider my application, however I would need to ensure I have my own work permit as in Canada one has to proof that there is not another Canadian that can do the same job, ie. one has to be highly skilled to be able to be granted a permit via the company. Another shut door after such good news. 

Finally in Canada
I now moved all my research over to Canada and searched all avenues to find a way into the country. Months went by again and I stumbled across a South African/ Canadian forum where South Africans had shared tips and were helping South Africans in the process of moving. And here I found a tip that if one person studies in Canada, the partner automatically receives an open work permit. This was it, I could not believe after all that time, losing hope, seeing the light again, searching more only to be turned down again we finally found a way.

to be continued...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Dear Keyan ...

The day my son was born, was the day my life changed, my heart grew and my love for my husband increased to something unimaginable. Having a child brings so many wonderful emotions and amazing feelings. Holding so many special moments, creating everlasting memories, it is a real honor to be a mother and something I hope every woman will have the pleasure to experience. 

Today, I want to share with my beautiful son everything I wish him in life.  Take this advice and use it as you see fit Keyan and whenever you are in doubt or need to hear me and I am not around, come back to this and read it. Hold it close to your heart. xxx

Know every day that you are intelligent, kind and strong.

Have your say as the world needs your opinion; but be selective in sharing as not all people will understand. 

Read something every day, learn a new word and keep up to date with the world.

Learn to cook and see food as travel. The culinary world is exceptional. Enjoy it and do not count calories.  

Listen to music, appreciate it and dance and let it fill your heart.

Laugh, laugh a lot and laugh until you cry. Snork if you need.

Tell me everything always. I will love you unconditionally and although I might not like what I hear later on in life, I will always be there for you. I will always listen.

Be bold, be daring and stand out.

Complete one course at University. You might not need it in your work life, but might in other areas of life.

Have children. Teach them all you know and make sure they understand empathy and kindness.

Do things for your community and the world.

Never stop to learn and think you know it all.

Do not be afraid to question things and seek answers.

Have pets, they make our hearts grow bigger and treat them as you do family.

Admit you were wrong when you were; this is a sign of strength.

I always believe in you and I will always take your side, even when it does not seem that way.

Don’t be afraid to feel and share your feelings, but always watch what you say as words cannot be take n back.

Fight for what you believe in, you are raised to be a strong man.

Always give your best, no matter what it is you are doing.

Do not settle for anything but the best. Not for anyone.

Become the person you imagine as a best friend, a kind, honest and loyal one. 

Travel the world!!! Do not get stuck in one place. Experience the many wonders, taste, touch, see, smell and love.

Start a bucket list and always add to this and tick off at least one item per year.

Do not worry about what other people think of you, you cannot control it.

Take chances in life, do not always play it safe.

I will strive to be your best friend, but I am always your Mommy first.

Listen to your Daddy and learn what he teaches you. He is wise and knows so much. Learn about music, sport, games and life.

Live in nature, stop and look at the sunset, close your eyes and listen to the sounds, take a deep breath and cherish these moments.

You will have a broken heart or two, feel it and move on. You will find love again.  Be silly and always have fun! Don’t be too serious.

Challenge yourself as much as you can, only like this will you grow. Push yourself and never stay in your comfort zone.

Always have manners and treat a woman with love, dignity and respect.

Although not always easy, telling the truth is the best option.

Our house is always open for you and you and your family are always welcome, no matter how old you are.

Life is a gift, cherish it. 
And please live life for you, not for other people. 

At the end of the day this is all true and thanks to God. Trust in him and he will provide. Have faith. 

You changed me completely, you taught me, you made me a better person and you are my biggest achievement.

I am so incredibly proud of everything you do. One does not need to come first, but one should always aim to try. 

You will always be my baby, my Didi, my monkey. No matter how old you are. I will always be there for a hug, a talk, a listen.

And never ever forget, I love you with my entire heart and being and more!


Photo 1 Attribution: Arlo MagicMan
Photo 2 Attribution: Lasse Christensen, Lasse C 
Photo 3 Attribution: Alvin Trusty, trustypics